Thursday, August 30, 2007

I'd Prefer Not

Now that I am over forty and a single father, I have been thinking about my next relationship. Or my lack of interest in such a thing.

America is very big on couples culture. For many people, their love relationship is the relationship, so much so that they get a large part of their identity from the relationship. But what if you choose to go without? What if you dig living by yourself, coming home to an empty house, staying up late and then bedding down all by yourself?

Don't get me wrong. An occasional friendly shag with a pretty lady, sounds good. But a bona fide monogamous domestic set-up, thank you no.

Does this make me a misogynist because implicit to this argument is the implied suggestion that woman are great to have around as long as they're busy on their back. But once their mouths start running with relationship talk or shopping exploits, exit stage right. The thing is that now, thanks to wisdom and a controllable libido, it is possible to politely excuse yourself from courting situations where you know you'll probably score but frankly you'd prefer to be home watching the US Open. Alone.